NWDBA in no way endorses or promotes any of these bee suppliers. We have simply collected a list of local bee suppliers for this season. If you are aware of others that should be added please comment below or send or let us know in the chat box on our site

Apiary of Bear Creek
apiaryofbearcreek@gmail.com 206.794.8617 Woodinville, WA
Early bird special – 50% down towards all orders placed before February 1st gets the worm!
Call Stephanie for special pricing on both Italians & Carniolans.
Snohomish Bee Company (360) 568-2191 bees@snohobeeco.com
At this time we are offering Italian Honeybee Packages (Dr. Steve Sheppard Stock) from our longtime supplier in Palo Cedro California. We are also offering, for the second year, Golden West Apiary Nucleus Hives. We will also be offering Carniolan queens from CF Kohnen & Son, Survivor Stock & Caucasian Queens from Old Sol and Italian Queens. Our Italian Packages for 2020:
4lb. Italian Package w/ unmarked queen (Only available on the first delivery) $ 150* + tax 4lb. Italian Package w/ a marked queen (Only available on the first delivery) $ 160* + tax 3lb. Italian Package w/ unmarked queen $135* + tax 3lb. Italian Package w/ a marked queen. $ 145* + tax
Our Golden West Apiaries Nucs for 2020:
Nuc Details: Nucs provided to us from Golden West Apiaries are sold in Jester EZ Nuc corrugated plastic reusable nuc boxes with 5 deep frames.
Larry Brainard (425) 478-0575 larrybrainard@comcast.net
5-Frame – $215 that include: Northwest Bees; a mated Queen; 2-3 frames of brood & 2-3 frames of stores (nectar, pollen & honey) and the nuc box. Queens are guaranteed up to 10 days following the date of delivery.
The estimated date of delivery is April through Mid-May. The Nucs will be available for pickup in Larry’s Lynnwood yard.
Miller Compound HoneyBees and Agriculture. You can find them on Facebook.
Lauri Miller (253) 843-1319 jloutdoors@aol.com
Locally raised bees with emphasis on treatment reduction reared from her own overwintered hardy Northern stock
Queens will be available mid-May. Queen cells will available early May, mated queens mid to late May, depending on the weather.
$45 for one mated queen, $40 each 2 or more. Queen cells are $10 each, 30 or more are $8 each.
Hive 5 Bees
Kevin Mills RochesterBees@gmail.com, Cell 757-376-2821 or Hive5Bees.com to order.
All orders (except large bulk orders 50+) are pre-paid. Nucs available 1st and 2nd week of April.
Pre-sales prices:
Nuc - $155, stocked with Kona queen (Italian/Carnolian mix)
Make sure to check out our testimonials via Facebook (Hive 5 Bees)
Old Sol Apiaries
(541) 582-2337 oldsolbees@gmail.com We will be selling Caucasian (WSU/Shepard/Cobey) stock and Survivor Stock nucs. Will have nucs available in May. Exact date TBD.
Mated Queens - $40 available in mid-Spring. Will do bulk shipping of queens to save if several club members combine orders.
Northwest Bee Supply
Mike Radford Toll Free: (855) 796-8544 (907)360-8182 radford180@gmail.com
The two types we will have are this years queens and survivor queen 5 Frame Nucs.
175.00 and 195.00 respectively.
The Nucs get built in early April depending on Queens.The delivery times will be about three to four weeks later. Depending on how the Nucs mature. This depends on weather of course.
Olympic Wilderness Apiary
Port Angeles 360-928-3125 harbees@olypen.com
Our chemical and antibiotic-free stock demonstrates sustainability against many of the pathogens threatening honeybees today. Overwintered BREEDER Queens; LIMITED AVAILABILITY: SUMMER Nucs & SELECT Queens. We also offer good clean used equipment.
Call to order 360 928 3125
Seth Smith of Skagit Valley Beekeepers Association
Call 360-770-0481 for updates
First delivery will be about mid-April give or take a week and the second about the 3rd week of May.
Nucs - $160
Queens – $25
Queen cells will be available - $5, please pre order for a specific date.
Cascade Natural Honey Company
Dave Schiefelbein 206.633.2828 davechief@yahoo.com
Cary Therriault 206.920.2150 cktherriault@comcast.net
Online store for honey bee purchases: https://squareup.com/store/cascade-natural-honey/ 3lb package - $159.09, Choice of Italian or New World Carniolan 5 frame Nuc - $235.45, Our nucs have been set up 4+ weeks prior to sale. We call them "aged" nucs. They have been professionally patterned and graded. All brood comes from the queen that is included with the nuc. Mated queen - $45 We have mated queens available from April through October. Pick up will be in Bellevue or West Seattle.
Cascadia Apiary Supply
Woodinville WA
Choice of Carniolan or Italian:
3lbs Packages with Marked Queen - $150
5-frame Nucs (Queen is not marked) - $190
Queens - $45
Estimated delivery: April 17/18
Order online: https://cascadia-apiary-supply.com/